June’s Vintage & Gift Market

November 19 AND 20 – Shop vintage clothing and accessories from Lori Barbero and Moth Oddities at June for two days!
June’s racks are packed with fantastic Fall pieces. And, shop June’s new gift wall for the Holidays. We’ll have treats and bubbles throughout the weekend.
Lori Barbero, Minneapolis dj, personality and Babes in Toyland drummer will be selling her amazing pieces collected from years of traveling the world. Cowboy boots, clothes, jewelry, leather bags and more. Stop in to say hey and find a piece of history.
Moth Oddities is a Minneapolis-based online shop specializing in highly-curated vintage fashion for women and MEN. The Moth Oddities vintage collection is hand-selected all across the USA. They seek out the wildest, most fashion-forward trends from the past and focus on breathing new life into the peculiar items that would normally get lost in the attic. Moth Oddities is owned by Yana Pietras & Ian O’Neill. See more at www.mothoddities.com